It must be the most common question in a lot of new RES who has just cleared their RES exam and ready to embark on their real estate career journey. There are 1102 property agencies in Singapore as of 2022, according to CEA (Council for Estate Agencies) website, and they comprises of 5 big agencies which has more than 500 agents count, and others respectively of varying size as stipulated in the table below:

Key Statistic

Also, the TOP Largest Property Agencies as of 1 Jan 2022 below:


Amongst this plethora of choices, how do one go about choosing?

With today’s highly digitized environment, social media is the most common avenue where one will get many ads on real estate recruitment posts or ads. With each agency and groups or divisions claiming their “unchallenged” success ingredients and their “flawless” systems to help one succeed… how do you go about verifying that?

To be upfront, I am one of those who placed my ads and posts on social media as a channel of reaching out to genuine RES who wants to join this industry and considered it a career journey. As I am expanding my own team, my mission is to pass on what I have learned and experienced into my team and let the success roadmap persists. So, you would probably see or even clicked on one of my ads or posts…

Back to the question on how then can you verify the claims? Or importantly verify if this is the agency/group or division to join.

Well, the simple answer is to meet up and talk to them. Ask them all the questions you have in your mind and clarify whatever claims or messages in the post that you are not very clear about. Then feel for yourself if there is sincerity, good vibes, and alignment in what you are looking for. There is a of course a notion of “you don’t know what you do not know…”

So I can share my personal take on this with you:

1. Scale of the Agency – Track Record, Financials and Resources

It is an important aspect of your choice. This is like the foundation of what Groups and Divisions are built upon. Thus, the track record of the company like the number of successful agents it produced, the length of stay (or attrition rate) of agents are tell-take signs. Financial strength is important as it reflects the ability and competence of the company to maneuver in unfavorable situations. With that, financial strengths are also reflected in the resources and support that the company deploys to its people. Always staying ahead of the game by providing adequate and relevant support and resources such as digitization initiatives, ample market research, proactive market directions, mitigation help and more.

This provides a good springboard for Groups and Divisions in their growth.

2. Group or Division – System & Process, Culture

With a stable and strong foundation, selection of Group or Division that provides a proven system and process that helps agent succeed is critical.

This is the platform where you will be operating in. Understand what is provided to you from Day 1 of your joining them and progressively. Find out how the last batches of new joiners’ progress. Besides asking, it is equally important to be candid about what you think and how you feel so that you can be provided with answers or information that will be helpful and would not be obvious otherwise.

Through the process of trying to understand the Group or Division system and process, you would also discover the inert culture…. Be it open or close, independent or synergized, selfish or selfless etc.

3. Mentor/Coach – Experiences, Style & Vision

During pointer (2), you are probably talking to the person who would be your future mentor/coach or the upline. Regardless, this is a great chance to discuss about that person’s own journey and/or experiences in the industry. Take note here, I am not saying the length of stay in industry equates to good; in fact, what I think is that his/her personal experiences would allow be a good gauge of that person’s style. The more in depth you discussed, the more you will get a better feel.

At this juncture, it is also key to ask about what vision this person has for the team or you? A visionary leader with a track record and passion to iterate his vision correctly and clearly is most likely one that can provide a good learning rope and inspiration.

4. Vibes

Finally, at the end of all these pointers I suggested, it is good to follow your gut. Many books and articles can tell you the “Who, What, Where, When & How”, but it is that ultimate comfort level and ease you have after all the recruitment interviews, talks, seminars, chats, etc. that will provide the best indication. I believe that good vibes and gut-feel is one that generates off the assessment of what your brain has collectively processed subconsciously…. That should be a good start then to your REAL ESTATE journey!


Hope this article will provide some help to you and GOOD LUCK! Feel free to reach out to me to find out more about Real Estate Career!